Thursday 19 November 2009

As I made my way up the path, which turned out to be pretty steep and a bit rocky. I was relieved to find a boulder big enough to sit upon and rest. I was so tired, I hadn't noticed the old man in the middle of a most beautiful meadow, full of every color flower imaginable.
Woman, what took you so long? grrr...this man is getting on my last nerve. Woman this, woman that.
Well no matter, he says. You made it up here.
I ran into a young man traveling north. He told me some tales from the south. Still talking to myself...only half listening to the old man. "Woman, did you hear me?" Yes sir, I heard you just fine. Make sure you do, this is very important~you must remember all of it. The young man said, LCN is also at war with ECMA. The Armageddon clan seems most busy with LCN, (*), and {{KOTR}}. |MWI| are in a skirmish with [IGF]. "Woman, pay attention!" Sir,...the old man interrupts me...hush now, just listen. I roll my eyes, sigh and listen, he isn't going to be quiet any time soon, anyways.{OIMW} are busy with |MWI| and [LnL]. (SMT) are on alert status. Ah, not so peaceful towards the south.[MIG] is supposedly at war with 10 clans but, mostly with {TA}, not to be confused with (TA) or [TA]! [S-B], and [VGL] just to name a few. Of course, the rumor is that [MIG] will always be at war with {TA} or any group that tags and harbors a person named Shawn Thomas, said to be a troublemaker with no character, a loathsome type. Best we all beware! "Do you remember all I've said?" Yes, old (cough*cough) Sir! I remember quite well. Then I'll be taking my leave.
Sir, what is the purpose of all this? Where do you come from? Why, maybe I should beware of you? The old man chuckles and says, "Woman, you have no need to fear me anymore than you need fear your own shadow. While pondering what he said, I looked up to speak but, he was gone. In his place was a leather pouch with the news foretold and a note that read, "In case you forget!"
Ha, ha, ha...this is absurd!
This meadow is so beautiful, I think I will rest the night here. I still don't understand, I left my village seeking a few trinkets and knowledge of ages past. Here I've stumbled into a strange adventure with an old man that I can't even be sure is real. Things will surely be clearer in the morning after a good nights rest. I will sleep on it...

Scam, Bam, Thank*'am
More lotto scammers...

Tara Michael Galloway, Joiti Roy, Samuel Maverick/Don Maverick, Ler Carlo [cobra] Cadabra/Roshan Nair/ Les Carlos, Miguel Alves.

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